Thursday, December 16, 2010

My awesome husband!

NOt too many picstures of Doug but here's one he just send me. In case you are like me and don't know who the guys is in the picture...he is the sargent major of the army (SMA) sorry if i spelled it wrong. Anyway, he is the highest enlisted person in the army right now. I thought everyone might like to take a peek. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flourish Giveaway!

ok so flourish is having a giveaway. Why should you be interested you ask? you could win the most awesome workshop on earth! you would have a choice of getting the face to face workshop or the "box" workshop. heres the link for that:
I know i want to win, so what are you waiting for? head on over and enter. Hurry, the contest ends on Dec 15th!

Monday, December 6, 2010


These last two weeks of my babies got older. :( Ian turned 11 on november 30th and Sarah turned 3 today! i wish theycould stay babies forever! Especially Sarah who is my youngest and probably my last baby. :(  However, it is wonderful getting to see them grow into great little people. What blessing they are to me and the rest of the family. Of course photos will follow soon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

heres a few more of the photos I've been working on. Oh my angelic children! does anyone want to guess how long it took me to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time? lol We also lit up the fireplace, a first for some of the kids!

up goes the tree!

In our family we ususally put of our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. So this year I wasnt about to change that tradition. Also this year the day after Thanksgiving I started a fun 2 week workshop called Finding the holiday Joy, it's by Kelly Willette. So I am making sure to take plenty of "holiday" photos. These are some of the firts ones that I'm posting today of us putting the tree up, taking ornaments out...ect. :D

Monday, November 29, 2010

Paint the Moon Giveaway!

I'm not much for blogging but I do love giveaways! I know my photographer friends will love this one. Please feel free to share with others on your blog! paint the Moon is haveing an awesome giveaway! heres the link:

have fun! and good luck!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our House

I just took this pictures for something I'm doing in one of my photography forums. So, I'm thinking why not put it on here. It's part of our lifes too! :D

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trying a quick studio, for lighting! dont mind the props and lovely clothes! haha!

Playing around With Christmas things!!! We are just missing our Dad! I can't wait to decorate!

Year End Letters

Someone in one of my photography forums posted this. I just HAD to share! too funny!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

My kids

Here they are, Brent (14 yrs), Ian (10 yrs), Christian (8 yrs), Sarah (2 yrs) the whole crew!

Doing this!

Hi everyone,
I just thought I'd start a blog. I think it will be a fun way to keep in touch with what is happening with our family. I'm thinking I can post my pictures and maybe some recipes. We'll see happens from there. Maybe I'll be a famous blogger some day lol. Have a great day everyone!!!!